Progress RAM
The newest Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in the Province installed it’s 6th W. Commander on Wednesday 24th February 2016.
W.Bro. Glyn Davies RAMGR, Bro. Martin Wootton, W. Bro. Eddie Adams I.P.C.
W.Bro. Gordon Pilkington, Installing Commander
Doesn’t time fly when you are enjoying yourselves. Brother Walter Martin Wootton, a well known Preston Mason received an excellent installation ceremony by Past Commander W. Bro. Gordon Pilkington.
This was followed by a faultless Address to the Commander, By W. Bro. Philip Watson Pr.RAMGR.
W.Bro. Colin Williams,  W.Bro. Glyn Davies RAMGR,  Bro. Martin Wootton,
W.Bro. Eddie Adams, I.P.C., W.Bro. Gordon Pilkington, Installing Commander,
W.Bro Paul Snape, PGM's Special Rep.
The Lodge was honored by the presence of W. Bro. Glyn Jackson Davies, representing the R.W. PGM. He congratulated on behalf of the P.G.M. both W.Bro. Pilkington and W. Bro. Watson on the excellence  of the ceremony.
Our Special Representative W. Bro. Paul Snape presented Bro’s M. E. Armstrong and Ainsworth with Grand Lodge Certificates.
The proceedings were then brought to an end. All retired to the dining room at which W. Bro Glyn after his official response to the toast to Grand Officers regaled the assembled diners with some humorous events in his occupation as a Vet. All in all an excellent night.
Report and Photographs Courtesy of Tony Shaw